Rolled Oats (Porridge)

By May 31, 2018June 20th, 2020Breakfast/Brunch

I just love this childhood winter bowl of yumminess


  • ½ cup original rolled oats (not instant)
  • ¾ cup milk * see note for dairy free
  • ¾ cup water
  • pinch salt
  • ½ banana, sliced
  • 1-2 tablespoons honey 
  • extra milk


  • Add the rolled oats, milk, water and salt to a medium size saucepan. Stir to combine 
  • Bring to a boil then reduce heat to low
  • Cook while constantly stirring for 10 minutes, until the porridge thickens and becomes creamy
  • Serve with sliced bananas and honey
  • Drizzle a little extra milk over the top
  • Note:
  • You can add brown sugar in place of honey
  • Add berries instead of bananas
  • *Replace the milk with coconut/almond/soy milk for a dairy free option 

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